Rodrigo Cotelo
Musician, Guitarist, Composer, Producer, and Multi-Instrumentalist Rodrigo Cotelo, navigates through a wide variety of genres and multiple styles seamlessly. Not necessarily a virtuoso but with a refined taste and tone, he embraces musicality with unparalleled ease and sensitivity. A true natural.
"Filling the Blanks" is inspired on the trauma of abandonment and the impact that ghosting has on people.
A deep exploration on Rodrigo Cotelo's songwriting and storytelling, this R&B song brings forward the pain and suffering that uncertainty triggers when being a victim of ghosting.
The musical and orchestral journey the listener is invited to onboard with the track, provides complex emotions in their raw state of simplicity while still providing enough diverse avenues and bridges for it to shine its rich and complex textures.
Being Sound is a concept way beyond the name of an album. It alludes to the moment some describe as spiritual, in which a musician loses its individuality and conscience of existence transforming herself/himself into something abstract, without time or form, in channel of a superior will that manifests through her/him and constantly evolving. During improvisation, interpretation or composition the instrument is just a psychic extension necessary to reach that climax where musical intelligence is an aural entity channeling through one self.
“Being Sound” is not a state only for and by musicians but also for the listener that is able to bond with them and emotions bloom due to the sounds and sensitivity. Blessed those that are able to experience sensations with music!

Vieja Mochila (Old Backpack)
Rodrigo Cotelo's first solo project in 2000. The album counts with the participation of 16 musicians from 4 different countries covering multiple genres from alternative rock to swing. It's a clear sample of Rodrigo's early development which were never set in one place. Produced by Mauricio Trobo in Maldonado, Uruguay.
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